
Published work of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation


  1. Odrovicsné-Tóth A., Thauerer B., Stritzinger B., Kullich W., Salzer A., Skoumal M., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B.:
    “The Patient’s Physiological Status at the Start Determines the Success of the Inpatient Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program”
    J Clin Med 12, 1735 (2023).  (IF: 5.583)
  1. Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Lohberger B., Toegel St., Windhager R., Glanz V., Kratschmann C., Leithner A., Weigl L.:
    “Activation of the Mechanosensitive Ion Channels Piezo1 and TRPV4 in Primary Human Healthy and Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Exhibits Ion Channel Crosstalk and Modulates Gene Expression”
    Int J Mol Sci 24 (2023). (IF: 6.208)
  1. Lohberger B., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Glanz V., Toegel S., Weigl L.:
    “Chemically and mechanically activated Piezo1 leads to changes in the expression of ECM-modulating factors that differ between healthy and human OA chondrocytes” (Abstract)
    Ann Rheum Dis. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2023-eular.5964 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Lohberger B., Sadoghi P., Leithner A., Kretschmer N., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B.:
    “Next generation sequencing and shikonin effects on human primary articular osteoarthritis chondrocytes” (Abstract)
    Ann Rheum Dis. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2023-eular.3578 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Toegel S., Glanz V., Weigl L.:
    “Conditioned media from primary OA chondrocytes affect the behaviour of pheochromocytoma PC 12 cells” (Abstract)
    Ann Rheum Dis. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2023-eular.6057 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Thauerer B., Püspök J., Kullich W., Felder D., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Skoumal M.:
    “Results of an Inpatient Preventive Health Care Program to Improve Quality of Life, Psychosocial Health, and Work Ability in Austria”
    Int J Public Health 68:1606193. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1606193 (IF: 5.1) 
  1. Kugler M., Dellinger M., Kartnig F., Müller L., Preglej T., Heinz L.X., Simader E., Göschl L., Puchner S.E., Weiss S., Shaw L.E., Farlik M., Weninger W., Superti-Furga G., Smolen J.S., Steiner G., Aletaha D., Kiener H.P., Lewis M.J., Pitzalis C., Tosevska A., Karonitsch T., Bonelli M.:
    “Cytokine-directed cellular cross-talk imprints synovial pathotypes in rheumatoid arthritis”
    Ann Rheum Dis  82(9),1142-1152 (2023). DOI: 10.1136/ard-2022-223396 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Van der Zee-Neuen A., Fuchs J., Wildburger S., Gaisberger M., Kloppenburg M., Fioravanti A., Stamm T., Offenbaecher M., Radlmueller R., Foisner W., Hoelzl B., Ritter M.:
    „Improvement of Pain Symptoms in Musculoskeletal Diseases After Multimodal Spa Therapy in the Austrian Gastein Valley – A Study Based on Longitudinal Registry Data“
    Int J Public Health 68:1605931. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605931 (IF: 5.1)
  1. Matsuoka K., Bakiri L., Bilban M., Toegel S., Haschemi A., Yuan H., Kasper M., Windhager R., Wagner E.F.:
    „Metabolic rewiring controlled by c-Fos governs cartilage integrity in osteoarthritis“
    Ann Rheum Dis 82, 1227-1239  (2023). DOI: 10.1136/ard-2023-224002 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Schneider K.H., Oberoi G., Unger E., Janjic K, Rohringer S., Heber S., Agis H., Schedle A., Kiss H., Podesser B.K., Windhager R., Toegel S., Moscato F.:
    „Medical 3D printing with polyjet technology: effect of material type and printing orientation on printability, surface structure and cytotoxicity“
    BMC, 3D Printed Med 9:27  (2023). (IF: 9.3)
  1. Summer S., Kocsis A., Reihs E.I., Rothbauer M., Lonhus K., Stys D., Ertl P., Fischer M.B.:
    „Automated analysis of mitochondrial dimensions in mesenchymal stem cells: Current methods and future perspectives“
    Heliyon 9 (Issue 1),  (IF: 4.0)
  1. Wiedermann C.J., Marino P., van der Zee-Neuen A., Mastrobuono I., Mahlknecht A., Barbieri V., Wildburger S., Fuchs J., Capici A., Piccoliori G., Engl A., Østerås N., Ritter M.:
    “Patient-Reported Quality of Care for Osteoarthritis in General Practice in South Tyrol, Italy: Protocol for Translation, Validation and Assessment of the OsteoArthritis Quality Indicator Questionnaire (OA-QI)”
    Methods Protoc 6(2),28 (2023). DOI: (IF: 2.4)
  1. Stookey J.D., Paulweber B., Felder T.K., Lang F., Häussinger D., Killilea D.W., Kuypers F.A., Ritter M.:
    “Change in Metabolomic Profile Associated with an Average Increase in Plain Water Intake of >+ 1 L/Day, Sustained Over 4 Weeks, in Healthy Young Men with Initial Total Water Intake Below 2 L/Day”
    Paracelsus Proc Exp Med 2(1), 41-66 (2023). DOI:
  1. Mayr C., Kiesslich T., Bekric D., Beyreis M., Kittl M., Ablinger C., Neureiter E., Pichler M., Prinz F., Ritter M., Neureiter D., Jakab M., Dobias H.:
    “Ouabain at nanomolar concentrations is cytotoxic for biliary tract cancer cells”
    PLoS One 18(6) (2023). DOI: (IF: 3.752)
  1. Bekric D., Neureiter D., Ablinger C., Dobias H., Beyreis M., Ritter M., Jakab M., Bischof J., Koller U., Kiesslich T., Mayr C. :
    “Evaluation of Tazemetostat as a Therapeutically Relevant Substance in Biliary Tract Cancer” Cancers (Basel) 15(5),1569 (2023). DOI: (IF: 6.575)
  1. Winkler A., Kutschar P., Pitzer S., van der Zee-Neuen A., Kerner S., Osterbrink J., Krutter S.:
    „Avatar and virtual agent-assisted telecare for patients in their homes: A scoping review“J Telemed Telecare (2023). DOI: (IF: 6.344)
  1. Toussaint L., Huynh K., Kohls N., Sirois F., Alberts H., Hirsch J., Hanshans C., Nguyen Q.A., van der Zee-Neuen A., Offenbaecher M.:
    „Expectations Regarding Gastein Healing Gallery Treatment and Their Connection to Health-Related Quality of Life“
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 20(7), 5426 (2023).
    DOI: (IF: 4.614)
  1. Ritter M.,van der Zee-Neuen A., Wildburger S., Fuchs J.:
    „Lebensqualität als Maßzahl“
    Ärzte Exklusiv 01+02/23, 40-44 (2023). URL:
  1. Sieghart D., Konrad C., Swiniarski S., Haslacher H., Aletaha D., Steiner G.:
    The diagnostic and prognostic value of IgG and IgA anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis“
    Front Immunol 13:1096866 (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1096866. eCollection 2022. (IF: 7.3)
  1. Sokolova M.V., Hartmann F., Sieghart D., Bang H., Steiner G., Kleyer A., Schett G., Steffen U.:Antibodies against citrullinated proteins of IgA isotype are associated with progression to rheumatoid arthritis in individuals at-risk
    RMD Open 9(1):e002705 (2023). DOI: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002705 (IF:6.2)
  1. Steiner G., van Hoovels L., Csige D., Gatto M., Iagnocco A., Szekanecz Z.:
    „Should ACR/EULAR criteria be revised changing the RF and ACPA scores?“
    Autoimmun Rev: 103421 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.autrev.2023.103421 (IF:13.6) 
  1. Wirth W.:
    „Joint-adjacent subcutaneous adipose tissue – An obesity-related imaging biomarker associated with structural osteoarthritis progression?“
    Editorial Osteoarthritis Cartilage 31(11): 1420-1422 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.08.002.  (IF:7.0)
  1. Sharma K., Eckstein F., Maschek S., Roth M., Hunter D.J., Wirth W.:
    „Association of quantitative measures of medial meniscal extrusion with structural and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis progression – Data from the OAI FNIH biomarker study“
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage 31(10): 1396-1404 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.07.007. (IF:7.0)
  1. Liu S., Roemer F., Ge Y., Bedrick E.J., Li Z.-M., Guermazi A., Sharma L., Eaton C., Hochberg M.C., Hunter D.J., Nevitt M.C., Wirth W., Kwoh C.K., SunX.:
    „Comparison of evaluation metrics of deep learning for imbalanced imaging data in osteoarthritis studies“
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage 31(9): 1242-1248 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.05.006. (IF:7.0)
  1. Eckstein F., Maschek S., Culvenor A., Sharma L., Roemer F.W., Duda G.N., Wirth W.:
    „Which risk factors determine cartilage thickness and composition change in radiographically normal knees? – Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative“
    Osteoarthr Cartil Open 28;5(3): 100365 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2023.100365. (IF:7.0)
  1. Singh A., Venn A., Blizzard L., March L., Eckstein F., Jones G., Wirth W., Cicuttini F., Ding C., Antony B.:
    „Association between knee magnetic resonance imaging markers and knee symptoms over 6-9 years in young adults“
    Rheumatology (Oxford) 18: kead227 (2023). DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead227. (IF:5.5)
  1. Jansen M.P., Wirth W., Bacardit J., van Helvoort E.M., Marijnissen A.C.A., Kloppenburg M., Blanco F.J., Haugen I.K., Berenbaum F., Ladel C.H., Loef M., Lafeber F.P.J.G., Welsing P.M., Mastbergen S.C., Roemer F.W.:
    „Machine-learning predicted and actual 2-year structural progression in the IMI-APPROACH cohort“
    Quant Imaging Med Surg 13(5): 3298-3306 (2023). DOI: 10.21037/qims-22-949. (IF:3.837)
  1. Schnitzer T., Pueyo M., Deckx H., van der Aar E., Bernard K., Hatch S., van der Stoep M., Grankov S., Phung D., Imbert O., Chimits D., Muller K., Hochberg M.C., Bliddal H., Wirth W., Eckstein F., Conaghan P.B.:
    „Evaluation of S201086/GLPG1972, an ADAMTS-5 inhibitor, for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in ROCCELLA: a phase 2 randomized clinical trial“
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage 31(7): 985-994 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.04.001. (IF:7.0)
  1. Heiss R., Laredo J.-D., Wirth W., Jansen M.P., Marijnissen A.C.A., Lafeber F., Lalande A., Weinans H.H., Blanco F.J., Berenbaum F., Kloppenburg M., Haugen I.K., Engelke K., Roemer F.W.:
    „Quantitative CT of the knee in the IMI-APPROACH osteoarthritis cohort: Association of bone mineral density with radiographic disease severity, meniscal coverage and meniscal extrusion“
    Bone 168: 116673 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2023.116673. (IF:4.1)
  1. Jansen M.P., Roemer F.W., Marijnissen A.K.C.A., Kloppenburg M., Blanco F.J., Haugen I.K., Berenbaum F., Lafeber F.P.J.G., Welsing P.M.J., Mastbergen S.C., Wirth W.:
    „Exploring the differences between radiographic joint space width and MRI cartilage thickness changes using data from the IMI-APPROACH cohort“
    Skeletal Radiol 52(7): 1339-1348 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00256-022-04259-3. (IF:2.1)
  1. Wirth W., Ladel C., Maschek S., Wisser A., Eckstein F., Roemer F.:
    „Quantitative measurement of cartilage morphology in osteoarthritis: current knowledge and future directions“
    Skeletal Radiol 52(11): 2107-2122 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00256-022-04228-w. (IF:2.1)
  1. Wirth W., Maschek S., Marijnissen A.C.A., Lalande A., Blanco F.j., Berenbaum F., van de Stadt L.A., Kloppenburg M., Haugen I.K., Ladel C.H., Bacardit J., Wisser A., Eckstein F., Roemer F.W., Lafeber F.P.J.G., Weinans H.H., Jansen M.:
    „Test-retest precision and longitudinal cartilage thickness loss in the IMI-APPROACH cohort“
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage 31(2): 238-248 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.10.015. (IF:7.0)
  1. Wirth W., Maschek S., Wisser A., Guermazi A., Hunter D.J., Kwoh C.K., Nevitt M.C., Eckstein F., Roemer F.W.:
    „Selection of Knees With Subsequent Cartilage Thickness Loss Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Semiquantitative Grading: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Biomarker Cohort“
    Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 75(8): 1773-1782 (2023). DOI: 10.1002/acr.25078. (IF:5.178)
  1. Ritschl V., Weigl R., Stamm T. (Hrsg.):
    „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis“
    Auflage; Springer Verlag 2023 
  1. Bibl K., Eibensteiner F., Ritschl V., Steinbauer P., Berger A., Olischar M., Wagner M.:
    „NeoCheck: A New Checklist to Assess Performance during Newborn Life Support—A Validation Study“
    Children 10(6), 1013 (2023) (IF: 2.4)
  1. Dvorsky R., Rings F., Bibl K., Roessler L., Kumer L., Steinbauer P., Schwarz H., Ritschl V., Schmölzer G.M., Berger A., Werther T., Wagner M.:
    „Real-Time Intubation and Ventilation Feedback: A Randomized Controlled Simulation Study“ Pediatrics e2022059839 (2023). DOI:10.1542/peds.2022-059839 (IF: 8.0)
  1. Lietz A., Kraller J., Hoffelner A., Ritschl V., Berger A., Wagner M.:
    „Dose–response of virtual reality training of paediatric emergencies in a randomised simulation‐based setting”
    Acta Paediatrica 112(9), 1995-2005 (2023) (IF: 3.8)
  1. Oviedo Flores K., Stamm T., Alper S. L., Ritschl V., Vychytil A.:
    “Challenges to Dialysis Treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ and Experts’ Perspectives”
    Frontiers in Psychology, 14, (2023). (IF: 3.8)
  1. Ritschl V., Sperl L., Andrews M. R., Björk M., Boström C., Cappon J., Stamm T.A.:
    “Educational readiness among health professionals in rheumatology: low awareness of EULAR offerings and unfamiliarity with the course content as major barriers—results of a EULAR-funded European survey”
    Rheumatic & Musculosceletal Diseases 9(2). (IF: 6.2)
  1. Stamm T.A., Partheymüller J., Mosor E., Ritschl V., Kritzinger S., Alunno A., Eberl J.M.:
    “Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine fatigue”
    Nature Medicine 2023 Mar 27. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02282-y (IF: 82.9)
  1. Dures E., Farisoğulları B., Santos E.J..F, … Ritschl V., Machado P.M.:
    „EULAR recommendations for the management of fatigue in people with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases“
    Ann Rheum Dis. 2023. DOI: 10.1136/ard-2023-224514 (IF: 28.003)
  1. Mur E., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Kullich W., Wiederer C.:
    „Stellenwert der Rehabilitation für Patienten mit Arthrose“ (Abstract)
    Jahrestagung der ÖGR
    J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 4, 145-146  (2023)
  1. Thauerer B., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Püspök J., Kullich W., Felder D., Skoumal M.:
    „Gesundheitsvorsorge Aktiv – Ein stationäres Präventionsprogramm zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität, der psychosozialen Gesundheit und der Arbeitsfähigkeit in Österreich“ (Abstract)
    Jahrestagung der ÖGR
    J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 4, 146  (2023) 
  1. Odrovicsné-Tóth A., Thauerer B., Grote V., Kullich W., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Salzer A.:
    „Lipidstatus und AGE-Aktivität von PatientInnen mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2, Osteoarthrose und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen bei der Bewertung der 3-wöchigen stationären Rehabilitation“ (Abstract)
    Jahrestagung der ÖGR
    J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 4, 147  (2023) 
  1. Ziermann U., Steinecker-Frohnwieser B., Thauerer B., Kravchuk O., Felder D., Mustak-Blagusz M.:
    “Outcome der Rehabilitation bei Patient*innen mit Major-Amputation in Bezug auf Funktion, Mobilitätsklassen und Alter” (Abstract)
    Jahrestagung der ÖGR
    J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 4, 147-148  (2023) 
  1. Kullich W., Odrovicsné-Tóth A., Mur E.:
    “25 Jahre Arbeitskreis für Rehabilitation der ÖGR” (Poster)
    Jahrestagung der ÖGR
    J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 4, 148  (2023) 
  1. Andrews M.R., Kirchler C., Mosor E., Thaler K., Stamm T.(corresponding author), Duftner C., Fritsch-Stork R.:
    “The Impact of COVID-19 on rheumatology health care workers and their scientific output: heavy lies the crown on women in rheumatology”
    The Lancet Rheumatology (2023). DOI: (IF: 25.4) 
  1. Styliadou M., Stamm T.:
    World Economic Forum blog post: (2023)
  1. Tschernko G., Stamm T:
    “Antimicrobial Drug Penetration is Enhanced by Lung Tissue Inflammation and Injury”
    AJRCCM, (accepted 30.11.2023)
  1. Fierens L., Carney N., Novacek G.,van der Woude C.J., Siegmund B. ……. Stamm T., …..Kotai T.:
    “A Core Outcome Set for inflammatory bowel diseases: development and recommendations for implementation in clinical practice through an international multi-stakeholder consensus process” Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis (2023). DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad195 (IF: 10.020)
  1. Leonhardt C.S., Stamm T., Hank T., Prager G., Strobel O.:
    “Defining Oligometastatic Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review and Critical Synthesis of Consensus”
    ESMO 2023. DOI: (IF: 6.883)
  1. Chiari C., Schneider E., Stamm T., Peloschek P., Kotz R., Windhager R.:
    “Ultra‑long‑term results of the Chiari pelvic osteotomy in hip dysplasia patients: a minimum of thirty‑fve years follow‑up”
    International Orthopaedics (2023). (IF: 3.479)
  1. Tibor Spath T., Sophie Brunner-Ziegler S., Tanja Stamm T., Florian Thalhammer F., Michael Kundi M., Handisurya A.:
    “Detection of a knockdown mutation in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel associated with permethrin tolerance in Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis mites”
    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (accepted 01.06.2023) (IF: 9.2)
  1. Zabotti A., De Marco G., Gossec L., Baraliakos X., …. Stamm T., …….., Smolen J.S., McGonagle D.:
    “EULAR Points to consider for the definition of clinical and imaging features suspicious for progression from Psoriasis to Psoriatic Arthritis”
    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (2023). (IF: 28.003)