18 März 2024 von lbiar

30 Years of MRI-based cartilage & bone morphometry in knee osteoarthritis: From correlation to clinical trials

It is with great pleasure and a bit of pride to see our review on
„30 years of MRI-based cartilage and bone morphometry in knee osteoarthritis“ published in the special issue of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal.

This exciting journey has taken us from initial “correlation”, i.e. method development with external reference standards for validation to exploring the physiology and pathophysiology of the disease, to qualification studies towards a surrogate endpoint, and finally to interventional “clinical trials”, exploring the structural efficacy of potentially disease modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) on articular tissues.

It has been a great fortune to be able to work on this review with our co-authors from Monash University in Melbourne (Australia): Anita Wluka and Flavia Cicuttini, and receive support of esteemed colleagues, namely Mylène Jansen (Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht), Alan Brett (Stryker – Imorphics) and Christoph Ladel (CHL4special consulting).


30 Years of MRI-based cartilage & bone morphometry in knee osteoarthritis: From correlation to clinical trials