Priv. Doz. Mag. Dr. Bibiane Steinecker-Frohnwieser I Sen. Scientist
Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Arthritis und Rehabilitation
Department für Rehabilitation
Hofmanning 214 I 8962 Gröbming I Austria I ++43/(0)3685/23037
In her role as Key Researcher, Bibiane Steinecker-Frohnwieser is Leader of the LBIAR Rehabililtation-Saalfelden, Deputy Head of the LBIAR and coordinated its basic research as Head of the PL „Chondrocyte Biology“ until the end of 2021. At present she oversees the PL Clinical Research program line within the LBIAR. Besides studies on the physiology of OA chondrocytes with a focus on mechanical stimulation and ion channels, her clinical research interests are in the field of rehabilitation with the aim of outcome research and studies on the sustainability of individual rehabilitation programs, conducted in close collaboration with the Austrian Pension Insurance Company (PVA). In cooperation with the company MedTec, Bibiane Steinecker-Frohnwieser has been successfully implementing studies on the mode of action and effectiveness of therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance therapy (NMRT) for several years. She has been involved in teaching at the Medical University of Graz for many years and has been contributing to the Doctoral School “Bone, Muscle and Joint” since 2018. With regard to her research projects, Bibiane Steinecker-Frohnwieser has established a close cooperation with the University Department of Orthopedics & Traumatology (MedUniGraz) and the University Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Therapy (MedUniVienna) over many years.