Günter Steiner
Guenter Steiner is Associate Professor at the Division of Rheumatology of the Medical University of Vienna and has been director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation from 2010-2021. His major research activities are focused on the pathomechanisms of arthritic disorders, especially rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Investigations are on the one hand aimed at further elucidating the involvement of T cells in the pathogenesis of RA and on exploring the diagnostic and prognostic value of autoantibodies in systemic autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, Guenter Steiner is particularly interested in the role of synovial fibroblasts in the pathophysiology of RA and OA and in characterizing and developing novel drugs targeting fibroblasts and chondrocytes. Furthermore, he has been involved in building up BLOAR, a nation-wide patient registry for OA. Within the research programme of the LBIAR he is involved in the projects “In Vivo Models” and “Target Identification and Validation in Arthritic Tissues”.
Guenter Steiner is member of the “IUIS/WHO/AF/CDC Committee for the Standardization of Autoantibodies in Rheumatic and Related Diseases”, the “European Autoimmunity Standardization Initiative” and the “European Consensus Finding Study Group on Laboratory Investigation in Rheumatology”. He has been principal investigator and work package leader in several EU-funded projects including the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) projects “BTCure” (2011-2017) and “RTCure” (2017-2023; https://www.rtcure.com). He has authored more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals (h-index=61) and written more than 20 book chapters.