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Section for Outcomes Research
CeMSIIS – Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems
Medical University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 23
A – 1090 Vienna
Room: 88.03.515

Phone: +43 1 40 400 16300
Mobile: +43 650 36 61 571
Email: inyragva.evgfpuy@zrqhavjvra.np.ng
URL: cemsiis.meduniwien.ac.at/or

Valentin Ritschl studied occupational therapy at the General Hospital in Vienna and later completed a master’s degree in occupational therapy and one in health assisting engineering. He has professional experience as an occupational therapist in pediatrics, psychiatry and rheumatology.

Currently, he works mainly as a researcher at the Institute for Outcomes Research, CeMSIIS, Medical University of Vienna, where he is also enrolled in the PhD program in Public Health.